Wedding Cake Clones

This one is sometimes called Pink Cookies because that is exactly what it reminds you of. Wedding Cake is a cross between Cherry Pie and Girl Scout Cookies, which should tell you all you need to know about its flavor profile. You get tangy sweet earth with a little bit of vanilla. You’ll want to pay attention to how much of this you smoke, as some breeders have measured its THC content at 25% or more.



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Wedding Cake Clones is one is sometimes called Pink Cookies because that is exactly what it reminds you of. Wedding Cake is a cross between Cherry Pie and Girl Scout Cookies, which should tell you all you need to know about its flavor profile. You get tangy sweet earth with a little bit of vanilla. You’ll want to pay attention to how much of this you smoke, as some breeders have measured its THC content at 25% or more.

Wedding Cake Attributes

You’ll primarily notice deep body relaxation with Wedding Cake. Happiness, euphoria, and an uplifted mood are also common. Some people will get a burst of creativity.

If you’re suffering from chronic stress, depression, or pain, this is a good strain to try. It can also help with insomnia and a lack of appetite.

Negative effects include dry mouth and eyes. A very few may experience paranoia, anxiety, or dizziness.

Wedding Cake Lineage

Wedding Cake Flavors

  • Earthy
  • Sweet
  • Vanilla