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NYC Bans Pre-Employment Testing for Marijua

NYC Bans Pre-Employment Testing for Marijua
The New York City Council passed on Tuesday a ban on pre-employment testing for marijuana usage.
The bill, sponsored by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, Majority Leader Laurie A. Cumbo and Council Member Carlina Rivera, prohibits employers from requiring a prospective employee to submit to testing for tetrahydrocannabinols (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, as a condition of employment. Exceptions are provided for security-sensitive jobs, and those tied to a federal or state contract or grant.
Opponents of pre-employment testing, like Williams, argue that in many cases screening for THC does more harm than marijuana itself, with applicants being rejected for a positive test or declining to apply to jobs that require it.
“Testing isn’t a deterrent to using marijuana, it’s an impediment to opportunity that dates back to the Reagan era– a war on drugs measure that’s now a war on workers,” said Williams.
Cannabis accounts for about half of all positive results on drug tests, and failed tests lead to an inability for many to advance in their careers. As many as 70 percent of large employers utilize pre-employment drug screenings, encompassing as many as 40 percent of jobs, according to a 2018 Vox report.

‘Cannabis Saved My Life’: Veterans Share Stories of Healing and Recovery

‘Cannabis Saved My Life’: Veterans Share Stories of Healing and Recovery, once a week, a handful of military veterans gather at the Seattle Vet Center to practice the art of writing and the process of healing. Some write fiction. Others reveal themselves in memoir. https://greenweedfarms.com/blog/

“We help people find tools to tell their own stories,” says Warren Etheredge, who teaches and leads the sessions. “I’ve been a teacher at every grade level for 30 years, and this is easily the most rewarding work I’ve ever done.”

7 Veterans, 7 Stories

To mark Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11, this year Leafly is partnering with the Red Badge Project to bring some of those stories to life. Etheredge recently asked writers in his group to create a story that touched in some way on cannabis—a common topic of conversation among those managing PTSD.

“For the younger vets, it’s easier to talk about cannabis,” Etheredge recently told Leafly. “But for some older folks, from the Vietnam generation, it’s still something that’s not talked about a lot. Those who use it, swear by it. For some writers, their reaction was: ‘Oh please, let me spread the word.’”

While the rest of society is breaking down taboos around cannabis, it’s still a difficult topic in the military. A number of Red Badge writers, in fact, felt the need to use authorial pseudonyms because of the risk to their careers or VA benefits.

We’ve provided a few opening lines from each story, below. Click on the link to read the full piece.

We’ve also recorded the stories, and collected them in a short audiobook:

Aaron Patrick

Aaron Patrick is a social worker and dad from Washington state. He served in the Washington Army National Guard from 2002 to 2010, including a deployment to Iraq during “The Troop Surge”. Aaron began his enlistment as an Avionics Equipment Repairer but reclassified to Military Police and deployed as a Military Police sergeant. His favorite strain is Sugar Plum.

Bringing Back the Feelings

I can’t sleep unless I drink myself unconscious. It seems I can’t do much of anything without a drink. They say alcohol is an anesthetic, but I’m not drinking to numb any pain. I’m drinking because I can’t feel anything at all. I’ve cauterized my feelings.

Click here for the rest of the story.

J. Brad Wilke

J. Brad Wilke is a co-founder and principal of Smarthouse Creative. Brad holds an MBA from the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business, a Master of Communication in Digital Media from the University of Washington’s Department of Communication, and a Bachelor of Science from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He received an Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army in 2003, having attained the rank of captain.

Just Follow Orders

As a non-combat veteran of the U.S. Army, I’ve never had the need to use cannabis to alleviate or minimize the effects of PTSD. My cannabis use has always been purely recreational and didn’t begin until well after I transitioned out of the service. My military experience was more Robert Altman’s M*A*S*H than Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. I hated people telling me what to do and I loathed the lack of agency that began as a cadet at West Point and lasted until I finally transitioned out of the service in late 2003.

Shortly thereafter, I took my first hit off a joint.

Click here for the rest of the story.

Sam Arrington

Sam Arrington grew up on the east coast and enlisted in the US Army after the attacks on September 11, 2001. He served eight years, including combat tours in Iraq and deployments as a combat advisor in Lebanon and Yemen. He now lives in Washington with his wife and two sons and spends his days teaching, writing, and coaching baseball. 

A Time To Be Still

“This doesn’t kill kids. It kills adults, but not kids.”

Early on a doctor had told him that. Now he just repeated it whenever the silence took him to some place he didn’t want to be.

A small girl was sleeping on the bed in front of him. Her frame was overwhelmed by the bulk of the large bed. She was asleep and the last of the daylight was fading on the mountains outside the window of her hospital room. It cast a beautiful rose glow on her skin.

A nurse entered the room.

“Take a break. I will come get you if I need to.”

Click here for the rest of the story. 

Maggie S.

Maggie S. spent six years in the active duty Army as a public affairs specialist and broadcast journalist.  She met her husband while stationed in Germany and they have been married for over 20 years. She has three children, Timothy, Madison and Aidan. 

Try the Home Grown

When everything got really bad, Mom thought it would help.  I was, of course, hesitant since I didn’t really have a decent track record with anything beyond say Tylenol.  But, Mom decided, after it had been brought up that we would try it together.  She, at 62 and I at 35 would have some cannabis together in an attempt to calm my mind, and my body from 6 years of service that wrecked havoc on both.

While I had certainly tried it once before – it was before, before everything.  I was 18, and in Amsterdam, then Denmark, then Norway, and finally what was previously East Germany.   The last of my cousin’s stash was imbibed at the top of a cathedral where my sister, cousin and I all had to huddle together and block the wind so the makeshift wooden pipe bought in desperation in Amsterdam could be lit.

Click here for the rest of the story. 

Skip Nichols

Skip Nichols is a Marine combat veteran who served in Vietnam from 1967-68. He and his wife, Paula, live in Walla Walla, Wash. They have two daughters and two grandsons. Nichols’ hobbies include writing and scuba diving. He has a degree in wildlife biology and worked as a newspaper editor for 40 years.

Introduction to War

Six black body bags lay in a row, splattered with the red mud that stained everything on top of the small hill south of the DMZ in Vietnam.

Fred Cleary whistled while Bobby Erl Baker remained silent as they struggled to pick up the bodies, Marines killed at nearby Con Thien during a massive bombing siege by the North Vietnamese Army. When they finished loading the bodies on a UH-34 helicopter, Baker was visibly shaking.

“What’s the matter?” Cleary asked. “At least it wasn’t you.”

Baker didn’t answer, but he wondered if someday someone would one day load his body on a chopper. The war suddenly seemed very real.

Click here for the rest of the story. 

Reg Doty

Reg Doty

Reg Doty was born in 1947 and went to war in 1967. He married his wife Jenise in 1971, graduated from Washington State University in 1976, the same year their son was born. He has been diagnosed with severe PTSD from his war years. “I have great difficulty talking to people,” he says, “but I try to make up for that through writing.” 

Redneck Buffet

After two tours partaking in the great “Asian vacation” I was looking forward to starting my life over as an expatriate in a place far away from the insanity that hijacked my dreams and left my spirit weary: a place where I might find my way to moral redemption? Fate intervened, though, when I met a young woman with whom I shared much in common. So as it happened we became expatriates together, not on the far side of the world, however, but in the community where she was born and raised, deep within the confines of eastern Washington State.

We all know that it takes faith to move mountains, but coupled with love and kindness you just might be able to save souls too. I was a hard case, to be sure, but here was someone who wasn’t about to give up on me. Persistence and perseverance is a motto we should all live by and my beautiful friend put meaning and action into those words. Perhaps even a half-wit like me could get swept-up in a campaign to salvage himself.

Click here for the rest of the story.


L.J. is a U.S. Air Force Veteran and stand-up comedian. He comes from a tribal community in Minnesota and now lives in Seattle with his two kids.

Secret Cigarette Lighter

In the late 90’s I bought a ragged old 1987 Toyota pickup truck to drive around base and get me in to town.

This was when I was stationed at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave desert.

At one time this base was considered a remote location and the military gave personnel living there a small stipend for having to be in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere along the way, the powers that be in the defense department decided to move the checkpoint gate five miles closer to town in order to deny the stipend and be able to say the base had easy access to civilization even though the junior enlisted dormitories and other base housing did not move five miles closer to town.

Click here for the rest of the story.

Etheredge, a nationally known film critic, curator, and founder of The Warren Report, is one of eight writers who work with dozens of veterans in The Red Badge Project, a nonprofit group that helps wounded warriors “rebuild their individual sense of purpose and unique individuality” through the creative process of storytelling.

The group was created six years ago by Tom Skerritt, the actor, director, and Air Force veteran; and Evan Bailey, a former US Army captain. Red Badge groups now meet in Vet Centers  around the Pacific Northwest, from Spokane to Walla Walla, Everett, and Federal Way.

marijuana,weed,Oil,Marijuana seeds,Vapings,Pre-Rolled Joint

The Best Cannabis Strains To Help You Relax After Work
Green Weed Farm News : Cannabis Strains

Green Weed Farm News : Cannabis News

Exposure to stress is an almost daily occurrence in the modern age. It’s important to find time to rest and recover, and cannabis is a perfect ally when looking to get some quality down time. These 5 strains are particularly effective at taking the edge off of stressful days, buy Hash, Wax, Shatter, Vaporizers, Pens, Edibles, Medical Marijuana, Distillates, Buds, sativa, indica, kush, weed, cannabis, pot,flowers, the cartridges, oil, seeds online at www.greenweedfarm.com

Modern Western life comes with many comforts and luxuries, however, it can also keep many of us in a constant state of stress. Work deadlines, schedules, bills, traffic. All of these factors, and others, keep the sympathetic nervous system engaged, keeping the body and mind in fight or flight mode. This physiological response evolved to keep us alive, but in modern times, it is triggered by sources of anxiety that are not legitimate threats. The hormonal cascade caused by this response can become detrimental over time. Therefore, it’s critical to find ways to bring about the relaxation response, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and calming the body down.

There are a variety of ways to activate the relaxation response. Many people find relief in meditation, yoga, hiking, and exercise. Smoking weed is also a good choice for some people for relaxing both the body and the mind. Indica strains are particularly calming, and are associated with a soothing and sedating high. However, sativa strains can also help to ease stress by inducing creative flows and taking your mind off the busyness of the day to come. In general, cannabis is a great herbal aid for quality sleep, the lack of which can contribute to stress. These five strains are ideal choices when looking to wind down at the end of the day.


OG Kush is one of the most famous cannabis strains in existence, and it has earned its popularity. The deeply stoning variety sits firmly on the pantheon of heavy indica strains. This queen of the cannabis world was born out of the crossbreeding of Chemdawg, Lemon Thai, and Pakistani Kush. This mix of prime genetics results in a strain that features 75% indica genetics and THC levels of approximately 19%. Her tall and slender flowers induce a high that melts the muscles and evaporates stress. It can be hard to properly relax after a long and stressful day. A few hits of this beauty in a vape or bong will make this process a lot easier. Your eyes will begin to feel heavy just minutes after inhalation, and it won’t take long to feel a strong appetite arise. This therapeutic high is delivered along with tastes and aromas of citrus, pine, and fruit.

If you fancy cultivating your own supply of this relaxing variety, OG Kush can be grown well both indoors and out. Indoor plants grow to heights of between 90–160cm and put out yields of 425–475g/m². Plants cultivated outdoors in the elements grow to taller heights of 180–220cm and produce yields of 500–550g/plant. OG Kush has a flowering period of 7–9 weeks.


Royal Dwarf is proof that size is not always better. This little rocket grows incredibly fast and provides moderate yields of flowers that offer a subtle, calming, and clear-headed high. Royal Dwarf produces small flowers with a stunning dark green shade. The trichomes upon these buds provide a psychoactive resin with THC values of 13%. These levels produce a high that is far from overpowering, but still offers an effective experience. The sativa dominance of this strain targets the head, stimulating ideas and creative thoughts and plunging the mind into the present moment. This award-winning lady is the perfect smoke right after walking through the door after a hard day of work. The clear-headed nature of this high allows users to smoke whilst still being able to functionally complete evening tasks such as laundry, cooking, and washing up.

Royal Dwarf is an ideal strain for growers with minimal space, and those wanting to keep their operation private. She maintains miniature heights of between 40–70cm indoors and 50–90cm outdoors. Such small heights mean she is the ultimate strain for guerrilla growing operations, and is highly unlikely to be discovered before harvest time comes around. Indoor plants will provide yields of between 150–200g/m². Plants cultivated outdoors will produce modest yields of between 30–80g/plant.


As her name suggests, Royal Medic provides a plethora of therapeutic effects. She was bred specifically to produce equal levels of both CBD and THC, offering smokers good levels of two therapeutic cannabinoids. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that offers a variety of relaxing effects due to its potent anti-anxiety and pain soothing effects. The THC levels within this strain hover around 10%, providing a subtle high that allows users to stay lucid and clear-headed. The effect from smoking these flowers is subtle in its psycho activity, yet extremely relaxing. The genetic makeup of Royal Medic is primarily sativa, allowing users to keep the mind relatively active during the evening hours, and enabling them to get on with personal tasks and projects. The high has a gentle and relaxing body effect that keeps the user calm and ever so slightly stoned.

Royal Medic offers good yields of medicinal flowers. Plants grown indoors under good-quality lights will produce between 425–475g/m² and grow to heights of between 80–120cm. Plants grown outdoors under sunlight produce great yields of 475–525g/plant and grow to taller heights of 120–150cm. Expect to be harvesting after a flowering time of 9 weeks, or during early October if growing outdoors.


Blue Cheese is a genetic collision featuring some of the tastiest parent strains around. One of her parents, Cheese, is a world-renowned hybrid that emanates powerful scents of cheese and earth. Her other parent, Blueberry, produces terpenes that release scents of ripe fruits and berries. The combination of these two sensory powerhouses has produced a slightly sativa-dominant strain that overrides the senses with lush smells and tastes. Nothing eases the stress of a rough day quite like a soothing indica high coupled with such outstanding flavour. The high from these flowers is fueled by a THC value of 19%, stoning and relaxing the body with ease. Medium CBD levels contribute to an overall sense of wellness.

Blue Cheese performs well in both the grow room and the garden. Indoor yields clock in at between 500–550g/m² and plants achieve varying heights of 100–160cm. Outdoor plants cultivated within garden beds and pots put out yields of up to 550g/plant and max out at heights of 200cm. Blue Cheese features a flowering time of 7–8 weeks, with outdoor plants ready to harvest during late-September.


Medical Mass is another cannabis strain that has been specifically bred to produce large quantities of CBD. She was created using the stellar genetics of parent strains Critical Mass and an unknown CBD-rich variety. The aim with this strain was to create a plant that produces equal levels of both CBD and THC. At a ratio of 1:1, Medical Mass enables smokers to enjoy the benefits that both these cannabinoids have to offer. This ratio is perfect for the evening, especially when the goal is to tackle stress. The high itself is balanced with 60% indica genetics and 40% sativa genetics culminating in both mental and physical effects. THC levels of 10% provide a light and underlying stoning effect coupled with the awareness-enhancing effects of CBD. This pleasant high is delivered alongside contrasting tastes and smells of sweetness and spice.

Medical Mass will not disappoint when harvest time comes around, yielding well both indoors and outdoors. Indoor plants produce yields of around 500–550g/m² and grow to easily manageable heights of 60–100cm. Plants grown outdoors provide harvests of approximately 525g/plant and grow to heights of up to 150cm. Expect harvest to come around after a period of 7–8 weeks.

READ MORE: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-our-top-5-cannabis-strains-for-insomnia-n237

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